The social impact of our research

Our research spans the world, from Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East to Latin America, Asia and the UK, and has far-reaching impact.

During the last few years, individuals and teams from The University of Manchester have been or are involved in many research projects that have a significant social impact, including the following:

Highlights of research impact

Helping African governments to support their poor

Policy thinkers deny the myth of incapable African states, revealing how sub-Saharan countries can provide a ‘social protection floor’ for their vulnerable citizens.

Artistic methods drive debate on aircraft noise, human health and memory of trauma

An exhibition combining acoustic science and landscape art highlighted the negative health impacts of continuous aircraft noise. Further research explored how the wider sonic environment has an effect on historical and traumatic memories.

Creating the conditions for the formation of a representative task-force to draft a National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) in post-war Lebanon

A University of Manchester researcher led a UN team, in order to identify mechanisms to help Lebanon draw up plans for its National Sustainable Development Strategy.

Research on kinship helps Church find best location for a family centre

Research findings that Papuan New Guinean households form a network spread across Australian and Papua New Guinea guided the location of a Church-run family centre in Cairns, northern Australia.

Shaping public debate and policy on cosmetic procedures in the UK

Jeanette Edwards chaired the Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ working group on the ethics of cosmetic procedures to produce an influential report that shaped policy debates and practices.