Good Practice Scheme

British Philosophical Association / Society for Women in Philosophy Good Practice Scheme

Good Practice Scheme logo

Since 2014, we have subscribed to the following elements of the British Philosophical Association / Society for Women in Philosophy UK's Good Practice Scheme, aimed at improving the representation of women in philosophy:

  • Gender bias
  • Caregivers
  • Harassment
  • Conferences and seminar series.

In addition, we have adopted our own policy and procedures covering staff-to-staff and staff-to-student relationships.

The actions we have taken include:

  • Formulating and publicising to staff and students, specific policies concerning relationships, the allocation of teaching hours to assistants with caregiving responsibilities, and conduct at research events and seminars.
  • Setting a target of at least 25% of works on course reading lists written by women.
    Improving the information available to students concerning the University's harassment policy and procedures. Also having a departmental contact to deal informally with harassment-related problems and concerns.
  • Changing the time and day of our regular research seminar so that it falls within normal working hours.

Find out more

Visit the British Philosophical Association website to learn more about the Good Practice Scheme.