The Manchester School

The Manchester School was first published in 1930 and has become a distinguished, internationally recognised, general economics journal. It is still edited from the University of Manchester’s economics department and is published by Wiley.

Anniversary issue

To mark 80 years of the published journal, you can download 13 free articles from the Wiley Online Library. This collection brings together articles that have shaped the intellectual reputation of the journal and have exerted enormous influence on the discipline and wider society.

Every volume of The Manchester School incorporates five regular issues, one special issue devoted to a particular theme and a further special supplement containing selected papers from The Money, Macro and Finance Research Group Conference.

Aims and scope

The Editors wish to attract submissions of high quality research covering all areas of the economics discipline and encourage the submission of original contributions, or authoritative surveys, in the fields of:

  • Microeconomics (including industrial organisation and game theory)
  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics (both theory and applied)
  • Labour economics

We will only consider publishing manuscripts that make a significant contribution from either a theoretical or empirical perspective, in terms of originality, rigour and reach.

In particular, we will not publish manuscripts that replicate existing results or which are limited in terms of scope or applicability and thus more suitable to regional or specialised field journals.

‘If a school of thought really exists at Manchester today, we do well to insist that it is a school of method and not of dogma, of research and not of conclusions.’ T.S. Ashton (1930), The Origin of "The Manchester School”, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 22-27.


  • Akos Valentinyi, Managing Editor (University of Manchester)
  • Caitlin Brown (University of Manchester)
  • David Delacretaz (University of Manchester)
  • Kyriakos Neanidis (University of Manchester)
  • Carlo Reggiani (University of Manchester)

Further information

The Manchester School editorial office is based at Wiley-Blackwell in Oxford.

All submissions to the journal must be made online via Manuscript Central. The Manchester School requires the submitting author (only) to provide an ORCID iD when submitting their manuscript.

Past contents and guidelines for authors can be found on the Wiley website.

Please note that, before embarking on a full refereeing process, the editorial board assesses each new submission with a view to its potential for publication in The Manchester School.