
Read more about our research in macroeconomics.


Research within the economics department covers both theoretical and empirical macroeconomics, covering a wide range of topics within the broad areas of economic growth and development, business cycles, and macroeconomic policy. These topics include the following:

  • poverty, inequality and income distribution;
  • financial markets, bankruptcy and regulation;
  • institutions, governance and corruption;
  • population change and demographic transition;
  • labour markets, human capital and unemployment;
  • foreign aid and international economics;
  • fiscal policy and public finance;
  • monetary policy, inflation and central banking;
  • imperfect competition and nominal rigidities;
  • international macroeconomics and the world economy;
  • expectations, learning and agent heterogeneity;
  • quantitative economic history.

Much of our macroeconomics research has connections with other research areas (Economic theory, Applied economics and Development economics).

Many of our staff members are also affiliated with the Growth and Business Cycles Research Group.


Macro seminar

Regular presentations by colleagues from other institutions take place in our weekly seminar series.