Impact case studies

In recent years our expertise in economics has led to research with real impact. Read more about specific impact case studies below.

Combining monetary and macroprudential policies to promote macroeconomic and financial stability

Research led by Pierre-Richard Age´nor on the interactions between monetary and macroprudential policies since the global financial crisis (GFC), and the extent to which these policies should be combined to promote macroeconomic and financial stability in middle-income countries (MICs), has had a significant impact on central banks in these countries, and several international financial institutions.

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Designing and implementing a new kidney exchange program in Italy

The research of Antonio Nicolò has shaped the design and implementation of a new national program in Italy for kidney transplants, combining deceased and living donor allocation mechanisms. By incorporating patient preferences into the design of allocation models and associated algorithms, the research led to a redesign of Italy’s Kidney Paired Exchange (KPE) programs in order to expand membership and effectiveness.

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Fuller working lives and the economics of ageing

Population ageing has created many pressing policy challenges, not least relating to levels of retirement saving provision and the ability and willingness of individuals to engage in paid work at older ages. A large body of work by James Banks and his collaborators has directly influenced the methods used and the actions taken by UK policymakers.

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Shaping the design of economic policy to reduce diet-related disease

Reducing the prevalence of diet-related diseases, such as obesity and liver cirrhosis, is a targeted aim of the UK and other governments. The research of Rachel Griffith has had impact through providing new analysis, methods and evidence to inform decision makers and the public about the design and effectiveness of policies that are intended to meet this target, most notably corrective taxes and advertising restrictions.

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