Former PhD students
View research profiles and thesis themes for some of our former PhD students in Criminology.
Emily Buehler
Emily originally came to Manchester from the US to do a master's in Social Research Methods and Statistics. Her PhD research interests include quantitative methods in social science, gender and crime, rehabilitation, correctional education and adult literacy and numeracy skill development.
David Buil-Gil
David came to Manchester from Catalonia, Spain to embark on his PhD in Quantitative Criminology and Social Statistics. He has researched into the fear of crime among the immigrant population of the city of Barcelona and his areas of interest include the spatial analysis of emotions and attitudes towards crime.
See David's research profile
Naomi-Ellen Speechley
Naomi-Ellen is currently an ESRC and Presidents' Doctoral Scholarship-funded PhD candidate. Her thesis falls between law and criminology, looking at how claims of wrongful conviction in historic sexual abuse cases are investigated by the Criminal Cases Review Commission, Innocence Projects, campaigners and lawyers.
Hannah Wishart
Hannah is a PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant (TA) in Law. Her research questions how we treat and hold children criminally responsible. She's interested in using scientific research on the developing mental capacities of the child to determine doctrinal and practical implications.
See Hannah's research profile
Yongyu Zeng
Yongyu completed her PhD in criminology in 2021. Her thesis investigates the organisation of insider dealing by adopting a novel combination of the crime script analysis and social network analysis. Her general research interests cover white-collar crime, financial crime, organised crime and illicit networks.