Online guides
Specialist Library Support
Looking for guidance on referencing software, systematic review, business data and statistics? These resources are now available via our new Specialist Library Support pages.
Get started with the Library
This guide introduces the support and services available to you through the Library.
Library support for writing
This guide links to all writing support provided by the Library including workshops, interactive guides, and strategies to help you overcome challenges such as writers block. There is also information about organising one to one feedback on your writing with our Royal Literary Fellow.
Library support for referencing
This site gathers together all guidance and support in referencing including; how to reference different types of sources in your assignments. It will help you to cite, paraphrase and manage your references using tools such as EndNote, Endnote online and Mendeley.
Library support for Searching
This site gathers together all guidance and support on the searching process from start to finish and help you to high quality, relevant sources for use in your work.
Library support for Group work
This site gathers together all guidance and support on group work. It will support you to get organised, stay on track and get the most in working with others during your assignment.
Library support for Dissertations
This guide brings together library online learning resources, workshops and other content to support you through your dissertation.
Library support for Presentations
This site gathers together all guidance and support on presentations, including; how to plan, design and deliver presentations.
Library support for assessment
This site gathers together all guidance and support for revision and assessment including online learning, workshops podcasts and more.
Start to finish: Develop your digital capabilities
This guide will help you to assess and develop your digital capabilities. You will find links to help you develop skills in digital communication, learning, and wellbeing, which can be useful in your studies and in the future.
Academic Integrity
This interactive guide will support you in understanding what is meant by Academic Integrity and how it interacts with your studies. You will find advice and resources on how to ensure you are clearly presenting your own understanding of concepts, consider tools and strategies (including those involving Generative Artificial Intelligence) to support you and examine how to avoid key forms of academic malpractice.
LinkedIn Learning
This guide is designed to support your access to LinkedIn Learning, an extensive library of expert-led, on-line courses that can help you enhance your communication, leadership, and technical abilities, whether you're gearing up for internships or your first job.
Strategies for effective learning
This guide will provide you with some tips to support studying strategically, as well as give you techniques to check your understanding of the material you've learnt. We've organised this resource around the learning journey, to help you decide which tips and strategies might work best for you.
Achieving your academic goals
This guide will encourage you to consider your long-term academic goals by putting your studies into the broader context of your continued personal development.It will help you to identify and prioritise the steps you need to take in order to achieve these goals.
Avoiding plagiarism through good academic practice
This guide explores some of the issues surrounding academic integrity, providing you with techniques to help you to avoid plagiarism when referring to the work of others and to add your own voice into your work.
Choosing your dissertation topic
This guide focuses on choosing a topic for your dissertation.It will take you through the key elements of the early stages of your dissertation such as writing your research question and the objectives for achieving it.
Developing and communicating your argument
In this guide you will explore how to develop a strong argument and communicate it effectively, whether in writing or in an oral presentation.
Delivering your presentation
In this guide we will explore what makes a good presenter and how can you use this to become a more confident when presenting. These techniques will enable you to deliver your presentations in a way that will make your audience sit up and take notice!
Designing your presentation
This guide outlines different visual tools you can utilise to create visual aids for your presentation. It explores the types of visual aids you can use and what to display on screen. It will give you some inspiration you can use to design your own slides.
Evaluating sources of information
This guide explores the process of evaluating the sources you find to ensure they are relevant and quality assured, equipping you with the skills you need to identify high-quality information to use in your academic work.
Finding a job: CV structure and presentation
This guide explores the elements of a well presented and coherently structured CV, and illustrates how you can create a professional looking CV that will be easier for recruiters to read and make a positive first impression.
Finding a job: researching the organisation
This guide highlights some of the key things you need to know about a role and an organisation before applying for a job, and provides some tips on where you can look to gather the evidence you need to make your application stand out.
Finding a job: tailoring your CV
This guide examines how you can use the information you have about a role to highlight relevant skills, experience and attributes in your CV, making it easier for recruiters to see how you fit the role you are applying for.
Getting started with literature reviews
This guide will give you an introduction to literature reviews. It will also give you advice on what a good literature should include, and how to prepare for writing your literature review.
Getting started with report writing
This guide explores key elements of producing a written report. Including, structure, purpose, language and referencing; It highlights important considerations to help you write clear and concise reports.
Getting started with search tools
This guide explores Google, Google Scholar, subject databases and Library Search, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses to enable you to make an informed choice when selecting where to search for information.
Getting started with subject databases
This guide explores some of the key features of subject databases, demonstrating that while they can initially appear daunting and complicated, they can be as easy to use as any online shopping site.
Group work
This guide explores key elements of group work. Including, the skills involved and getting the most from working collaboratively. It also highlights important considerations to help you stay on track and address issues that may arise.
Making the most of academic feedback
Throughout your academic career you will receive a considerable amount of feedback from your tutors and markers. The feedback you receive is one of the most important interactions you will have not only with your tutor, but also with your learning. We have put together this series of guides to help you understand, analyse and act on the feedback you receive.
Now or never? Strategies for dealing with procrastination
This guide examines some of the practical strategies that you can use to help you to overcome your procrastination.
Now or never? Understanding the procrastination cycle
This guide will help you to explore your own procrastination behaviour, and recognise how it is often rooted in certain negative thoughts and emotions.
Planning and reviewing your search
This guide explores the process of planning a search, highlighting some techniques you can use to refine your search to help you to get a manageable number of high-quality, relevant results to use in your work.
Planning your dissertation
This guide will highlight some of the key stages in planning to write your dissertation. It will also highlight some useful tools to help you along the way.
Planning your presentation
This guide takes you through the process of planning your presentation, giving you some useful techniques to ensure that your presentation remains focused on the requirements of your task and directly addresses the topic you're covering.
Proofreading your writing
This guide explores three vital elements to review when proofreading your work - flow, clarity and accuracy - and gives you a chance to learn about and apply some techniques to ensure that you check your work properly.
Referring to other people's ideas in your work
This guide explores the principles behind referencing, highlighting why it is good academic practice. You will also explore how you can use references as evidence for your argument and how to differentiate the ideas of others from your own voice.
Revision strategies
This guide will help you to develop strategies you can use to manage your revision effectively by creating a revision plan.
Strategies for effective note making
This guide looks at the purposes and contexts in which you make notes. It also provides an overview of different note-making techniques and which purpose theses techniques are most effective for.
Thinking, reading and writing critically
This guide explores how to be critical, highlighting practical strategies you can use in your academic reading and writing that will enable you to demonstrate critical analysis in your assignments.
Using operators within your search
This guide will introduce you to the use of search operators in subject databases.
You will gain a greater understanding of how each operator refines and manipulates your search; enabling you to retrieve more accurate and relevant results.
Using Special Collections in your work
This guide will introduce you to what special collections are, their importance, and how we can use critical analysis to get the most from them
Writing your essay
This guide explores the purpose and process of writing an essay, highlighting how you can ensure that your themes run throughout your work, and that every section of your essay supports your argument to help your reader to understand your ideas.
Writing an abstract
In this guide we explore what abstracts are, what they should contain and how they differ in different contexts.
Writing scientific reports
In this guide we explore how scientific reports differ from general report writing, including structure, conventions and other key elements.